tisdag 12 juli 2011

"Beloved Moderator"

Suddenly You stood there 
English bagged, sneaker footed,
oceanic blue laser eyed, 
seriously peering,
boldly yet delicately mouthed,
cutely persistent,
patiently awaiting 
my awakening, my recognition,
my spinning sphere
 to land on your 
peculiar square
with nor colour nor number
Just beloved You
who I so easily could have lost 
Weary of myself, my futile search,
another defeat in the making
I thought
But You insisted, 
velvetly carressing my heart,
insisting in giving me the
chance to see 
You in me and me in You
and us in us
I took your outstretched
soul in mine
gently we lay down on
the ever swaying leaf
of love

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